Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Accessing the online tools:

  1. I have been asked to complete the mapping tool: How do I access the online tools

You will need a code given to you by the person organising the service mapping in your area. Then register with your name, email, organisation and the code given. Choose a password. Once you have registered your email and password you can login and complete the mapping tools.

  1. Why can’t I register?

You will need a code given to you by the person organising the service mapping in your area to complete the registration process. If the code given has any punctuation marks included be sure to enter them. If you continue to have difficulties registering contact us at

  1. What is the ‘code’ that I am asked for?

This is a unique code given to the project coordinator to share with anyone adding information about support available in the area. The project code is required to ensure the appropriate information is associated with the correct project area.

    4.  I want to use the online tools to help with a commissioning review, how can the tools help me?

The online tools will allow you to gain a rich provision map of current provision and gaps in your area from a wide range of stakeholders. There are also tools to support needs analysis and predictive workforce requirement.

  1. I provide services to support children with SLCN/OT/PT needs, how can the tools help me?

The online Licensed Provider suite of tools can help you follow the understand, plan, do, review cycle as a provider. You will be able to map the current service provision and identify areas for development, understand the needs of your population and make a strategic plan for service delivery and outcome measurement. This body of information can be used to evidence the impact of your service as well as in responding to tenders and developing business cases.

  1. I know that there is a review taking place in my area however it isn’t on the drop down list?

If you have been given information about completing the online tools check to see if there is specific web address to use. If you need further help contact us at


Completing the online tools:

  1. What are the online tools based on?

    The tools use the Balanced System® framework as a structure. For more information about the Balanced System® framework go to
  1. What are the 5 strands?

The 5 strands are Family Support, Environment, Workforce, Identification and Intervention. Provision, or support for children and young people, is mapped across these 5 areas as well as any identified gaps in provision.

  1. What are the 3 levels?

These are Universal, Targeted and Specialist levels. Support is mapped against the 5 strands and 3 levels to give detailed understanding of what is available. For more info about the 3 levels go to:

  1. I work in a school and have been asked to add the support we provide in school for SLCN to the mapping tool. Can we also register for the Scheme for Schools?

Yes. Information submitted by a school to the review of support for children with SEN can have information transferred over to the Scheme for Schools if you wish to undertake this development and accreditation scheme.

  1. We are currently using the Scheme for Schools and have now been asked to add our activities to the mapping tool as there is a review of support taking place in our area. Can the information we have already provided be used again?

Yes. Contact us and we can ensure all the relevant information is transferred over.